2023 High School Career Fair Business Plan Competition
October 5, 2023
Ready to be an entrepreneur? Showcase your creativity and great ideas by creating a business/product and pitching it to the VDOT Career Fair panel of judges! You can enter the competition individually OR with a partner to win a prize! Your business/product should positively impact transportation, the environment, quality of life for residents or solve a problem. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will receive a monetary prize the day of competition!!
Your company can offer a physical product or a service, but it should not just be a copy of something already offered … BE CREATIVE!
Think outside of the box …and showcase the “Transportation: Your Ride to the Future” theme. You will need to include the following in your project:
Part 1: A typed 1-page summary/outline about your company including:
1. the company’s name and objectives
2. the company’s mission
3. the company’s basic details (company location, senior management’s names and roles, when founded, logo and slogan, etc.)
4. a brief description of the product or service
5. how you came up with the idea for your product/service
6. the top 3 problems your product/service are addressing
Part 2: A 5- slide presentation on your entire project